martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

Environmental concerns.

Struggling with ourselves

      Over the last few decades, people have been dealing with  miles too big environmental concern. As result of that, Earth's health  is currently in great danger as well as our own health.

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     The exploitation of our planet and degradation of our environment have gone up at an alarming rate in the recent years.
     The industrial revolution led us to a different lifestyle and an increase in population.The more population there was, the more needs we had and the more we exploited our planet. we have been doing stuff such as deforestation, use non-renewable energy, massive road construction, agricultural and livestock intensification, traffic of species and so on. But we have gone beyond the destruction of our planet, creating poverty, social differences and wars struggling for wealth.There has been a climate change and a loss of biodiversity .

     In well-preserved hábitats, viruses are distributed among species and it do not affect humans because of a balanced relationship. The more the nature is altered or destroyed, the more ecosystems are weakened and the easier the spread of pathogens. Nowadays, we are living the Covid 19.

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     Governments had a go at boosting  politics and lifestyle changes in order to people were  able to adapt to new situation of our environment  and improve that more and more. But those politics needed such an enormous investments in research and innovation.
     All of us should have been  aware of what we were doing with our environment and so we should have been able to involved in environmental issues. we should have been willing to think outside the box and have developed creative solutions but we started too late and we did not do enought. It was bound to be such an enormous catastrophe.

By Rosario Rodríguez Marín.

Environmental concerns.

Struggling with ourselves       Over the last few decades, people have been dealing with  miles too big environmental concern. As resul...